Advance - Women in Swiss Business

Advance – Women in Swiss Business

In 2011 Impact played a key role in launching W! –  a cross company women’s leadership initiative. This was a result of a series of conversations we had with senior leaders at PWC, Credit Suisse, McKinsey, and Swiss Re. We got inspired to create a game changing initiative for women in the workplace in Switzerland. While […]

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Impact recently partnered with HPI to get certified in their world-renowned Corporate Athlete program. Backed by decades of science-based research and results, the course is our ultimate in performance training. Designed to create leading high performance teams and individuals, the Corporate Athlete Course offers practical insights and tools for skillful energy management.

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In 2010 Impact with partnership with Ty Francis launched the first ‘SparkCatcher’ group which is an ongoing learning & development group for experienced directors, managers, coaches & consultants. The group provides an opportunity: » To explore ‘live’ personal & professional development issues in a confidential setting » To find out about new thinking from different […]

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